Bichepedia: Stereotyping Bitches

Bitches are divided into different classifications according to their personality, actions, and style. One may have one or a cross of these types.
Everything good or bad comes in seven.

Queen Beetch
This bitch is the bitch of all bitches. Supreme in short.Queen beetches usually lead a pack of her minions. They are known for their leadership and power.

Lowkey Loki
This type of bitch is contented on being on the sidelines but when time calls, blows up with a bang. She disguises  her meanness by those puns and jokes that dig and cut deep.

Dark Gothy
This type of bitch is purely emotional. She channels her energy in staging a drama of what she is going through and starts blaming the people around her for her misfortune. 

This kind of bitch is the one you hope you are. Basically, they can let you feel degraded by throwing in a couple of quotes and equations. Seriously, you'll never know when you'll need a witty line.

Pitypity Pleas
This bitch always cries to have your pity. Pitty pleas use their charm to enchant rather deceive you for her cause. She does anything for you give her attention.

Stupidly Stupid
This bitch knows nothing. Literally. She may have the looks, the body, and the money but she lacks the brains. This type is the most common.

Long Tail

This kind of bitch had the long history. Bad relationships and experiences may have triggered the bitch inside her. She may have started out as a nice and sweet but ended up as a mean girl.