Bitchepedia: How to Get Away with Your Lie

It does not matter if you lie everyday or occasionally because lying is lying and frequency sometimes does not guarantee how good you are in deception. Fabricating a lie can either land you a good or bad reputation and it depends on how your victim responds to it.

Okay, whatever. So, how to make people believe the lies you tell them? How do you not get caught?

Lying basically is divided into 2 categories with their respective sub-categories;

1. The Lie
 a. Keep your lie simple and straight to the point.
You surely do not want to go overboard and make the lie simply unbelievable. Make something that people would see you do or see you from. Creating an elaborate and complex lie may only confuse you in keeping your the details intact.
b. Avoid including people in the lie (especially without their notice)
You would not want your victim to ask the person you mentioned in your lie that cannot vouch for you. This will easily lead you to being caught.
c. Support your lie with facts and some truth
It won't hurt to tell a little of that truth to make your lie more believable. Myths and legends are actually based from some truth like your lie to be told.
d. Remember your lie well.
Failing to properly recall everything you just said to your victim will get you busted. Stick only to one version of your truth.

2. The Approach
a. Be calm.
Nothing beats telling a lie with that same calmness you do as telling a fun story. Never show signs of nervousness or anxiety.
b. Be confident.
Confidence exudes basically everything. Your confidence tells your stand on your lie and the more confident you are, the more real your lie seems to sound real.
c. Work on your non-verbal communication. 
You should control your blinking and focus on maintaining eye contact. Keep a normal and relaxed posture with a straight face. Communicating with hand gestures also shows your enthusiasm and openness as the speaker in your conversation. 
d. Control your speech.
Use your normal speaking voice and way of speaking which includes your intonation and choice of words. Showing a different way of speaking can make your victim question the sudden change in you.

Happy lying and remember not to get caught!